
The Salt Company

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The Salt Company is the college ministry of Candeo Church that exists to help Hawkeye, UNI, and Wartburg students find their greatest joy in Jesus.

Meetings and Worship Services

The Salt Company meets every Thursday at 8:00pm at Candeo Church, 1405 Greenhill Rd., Cedar Falls, to worship together, hear teaching from God's Word, and meet other college students in the Cedar Valley.

Anyone is welcome to attend our Thursday night gatherings and sign up for our student-led Connection Groups that meet each week in a number of different locations.

Service Projects

Once per semester we partner with another student organization to serve our community.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like any information about Salt Company, please visit saltcedarfalls.com or email saltcedarfalls@gmail.com. You can also find out more about us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!

Want to be a member? Fill out the interest survey below so we can contact you to keep you informed on meeting times and events.

Fill out the interest survey below if you'd like more information or help getting connected!

All fields marked with * are required.

Are you a current Hawkeye student? *

Contact Information

Student Activities

Brock Student Center
1-800-670-4769 ext.4027
Email Student Activities

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday–Thursday 7:30am–4:30pm
Friday 7:30am–3:30pm

If campus is closed, the Brock Student Center is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

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